The people that use the cafeto-entitycopy utility can be use the follow maven dependency.
<dependecy> <groupId>net.cafeto.entitycopy</groupId> <artifactId>cafeto-entitycopy</artifactId> <version>5.0.3</version> <dependency>
This blog is for the project "".
<dependecy> <groupId>net.cafeto.entitycopy</groupId> <artifactId>cafeto-entitycopy</artifactId> <version>5.0.3</version> <dependency>
@Entity public class Address { @Id String id; String street; ... } @Entity public class Person { @Id String id; String firstName; String lastName; @ManyToOne // By default FetchType.EAGER Person parent; @OneToMany // By default FetchType.LAZY Set<Address> addresses = new HashTable<Address>(); .. }
Person entity = personDao.findByPk(pk); ... Person copy = EntityCopy.copy(Person entity, DeepCopy.DEFAULT);
DeepCopy deepCopy = DeepCopy.createFull().add("addresses", DeepCopy.createNone()); Person copy = EntityCopy.copy(entity, deepCopy);
@WebService @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT) public interface TestServiceSEI { @WebMethod public List<Person> findAllPersons(@javax.jws.WebParam(name="deepCopy") DeepCopy deepCopy); }
@Stateless @WebService(endpointInterface="TestServiceSEI") @Remote(TestServiceSEI.class) public class TestServiceBean implements TestServiceSEI { @javax.persistence.PersistenceContext(unitName = "TestPU") protected javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager; @javax.annotation.Resource protected wsCtx; public List<Person> findAllPersons(DeepCopy deepCopy) { Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery("select obj from Person obj"); List<Person> entities = query.getResultList(); if (wsCtx != null) { List<Person> results = new ArrayList<Person>(); for (Person entity : entities) { results.add(EntityCopy.copy(entity, deepCopy)); } return results; } return entities; } }
<?php require_once "Cafeto/DeepCopy.php"; class TestService { protected $soapClient; public function __construct($wsdl) { $this->soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdl); } public function findAllPersons($deepCopy) { $ret = $this->soapClient->findAllPersons(array('deepCopy' => $deepCopy)); if (isset($ret->return)) if (is_array($ret->return)) return $ret->return; else return array($ret->return); else return array(); } } $service = new TestService(""); $deepCopy = Cafeto_DeepCopy::createFull()->add("addresses", Cafeto_DeepCopy::createNone()); $persons = $service->findAllPersons($deepCopy);
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